GNSS PPP processing engine WaPPP

The Precise Point Positioning (PPP) processing engine WaPPP is designed for adding precise GNSS single station positioning capabilities to application software. WaPPP computes coordinates based on GNSS observations in RINEX-format. It is useful for obtaining sub-metre, decimetre, or centimetre level accuracies. Highest accuracies require long-term (few to many hours) of continuous dual-frequency carrier-phase observations. Precise satellite orbits and clock corrections are needed as well. They are available for free from several data centres via internet connection. The geodetic datum of the position solution is determined by the satellite orbit data.

WaPPP expects corrections for satellite antennas and the user antenna. This information is made available by the International GNSS Service (IGS) and is updated frequently. In general PPP is based on dual-frequency observations. But WaPPP is also able to process single-frequency observations. WaPPP weights the different observations types (code and carrier phase, various GNSS) according to a variance component estimation. The position results are obtained using a robust estimation algorithm.

WaPPP is designed for an automatic processing without user interaction. The results are presented in several different formats. One output format can be configured individually by the user., 2020